FASCISM is nothing new in America.  In the 1930s, American NAZIs had created a "German American Bund" and were openly and secretly conspiring to overthrow the U.S. Government and replace it with a RACIST, FASCIST, PRO-HITLER, tyrannical, NAZI government.
FASCISM 1920s - 1940s
What happened to Germany, Italy and Japan in the 1940s are examples of what will happen to the United States of America if the agents of FASCISM, foreign and domestic, are allowed to achieve their self-serving ends.
The following is what happens to a nation when its citizens select their leaders based on irrational, untruthful — and ultimately self-destructive promises made by charismatic, opportunistic, self-serving and power-hungry demagogues.
In chronological order, this is what Germans did to themselves and their nation when they believed the words of a lying, megalomaniac FASCIST:
  1. 1923 – Hitler-leads “Beer Hall Putsch” in Munich to overthrow government.
    1. Putsch fails — Hitler is imprisoned for treason — serves about 1 year.
  2. 1924 – Hitler is released from prison.
    1. German economy improves — Hitler’s political agitation is limited; he is mostly ignored.
  3. 1929Great Depression (see thebalancemoney.com)
    1. The stock market in the United States crashes on 24 October 1929. The impact in Germany is dire: millions lose jobs and major banks collapse.  Hitler takes advantage of the situation to gain NAZI support. He promises to repudiate the Versailles Treaty, strengthen the economy and provide jobs.
  4. 1934 – Hitler becomes Germany's Führer (leader) and Reichskanzler (Chancellor).
    1. By June, other parties are intimidated and disband — dictatorship starts.
  5. 1936 – In March, Hitler remilitarizes the Rhineland.
    1. Violates the Treaty of Versailles, signed in1919
    2. The French and the Allies, including the U.S., do nothing!
  6. 1938 – Hitler begins executing his "Lebens Raum" plans.
    1. Hitler annexes Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia.
  7. 1939 – September 1st, Hitler invades Poland.
    1. World War II begins — Lasts 6 years!
  8. 1940 – Hitler invades more European countries.
    1. Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway and France are invaded
    2. Western Europe is dominated by Hitler.
  9. 1941 – In June, Hitler invades Russia.
    1. Despite “pact” signed with Russia (1939).
  10. 1942 – The Final Solution is implemented.
    1. The Holocaust begins!
    2. Mass Extermination of Jews executed.
    3. Millions of Jews are murdered.
  11. 1945 – After years of deadly allied air raids, Germany surrenders.
    1. Germans suffer unspeakable misery because of the war.
    2. German civilians dead: 350,000 to 500,000.
    3. Germans often eat from garbage cans — when available.
    4. German military dead estimated: up to 2 million.
    5. Russia occupies East Germany — revenge follows.
    6. Germany is divided: East (Russian) and West (Allies).
  12. 1945 – 40 to 50 million die during WWII.
    1. About ½ millionAmericans died!
This is what happens when a soverign nation cedes total control — with no accountability — to a charismatic, self-serving TYRANT who promises its citizens "the world" but, in the end, can only deliver A CATASTROPHIC END!
Sadly, men and women who have lived under tyranny have known its evils and misery well!  If FASCISTS govern our country, we can say "Good-Bye" to our loved AMERICAN FREEDOMS!

It Can Happen In U.S. Too!
The ultimate defeat and misery suffered by Germany, Italy and Japan during and after WWII is what happens when ambitious, disingenuous, self-serving, charismatic tyrants are given — OR TAKE — total power of their government.
In America, if we empower would-be tyrants and make the same horrible mistakes made by other nations during the 20th Century, the results are likely to be just as horrible!
Until a determined majority of informed American voters is willing and able to reject the creeping, FASCISM which some self-serving politicians are pushing in America, what happened to the afore-mentioned countries will surely befall America — tyranny will gain a foothold in our country!

Democracy Is Not Cheap!
Nearly ½-million gave their lives for the freedoms that we now enjoy.  In the U.S., Communism, Nazism (FASCISM) – all forms of tyranny – were widely rejected after WWII.
But that was then and this is now.  Remnants of FASCISM are still an existential threat to our democracy!
FASCISM is still in the minds of some would-be TYRANTS who are intent on destroying the U.S. Constitution, our democracy and our freedoms!
To achieve their agendas, the power-hungry operate under the assumption that their trustful, uninformed voters will believe whatever they tell them.
Whatever what they tell their gullible, trusting supporters are simply outright lies or harmful conspiracy theories which they don't believe themselves, the would-be TYRANTS remain certain their blind, "mesmerized" admirers will believe anything they tell them.
Dangerous Demagogy
  1. our kind is better than the others and our kind should have more rights and privileges
  2. different political parties, cultures, races, religions, etc., are inferior to ours
  3. the government (when their party is not in office) is conspiring against us
  4. the government supports other ethnic groups — not ours
  5. the government wants to take away our guns
  6. the government wants to control our lives, etc.
  7. unless our party wins, the elections are rigged
  8. the others "discriminate against white people”
  9. the others' party, "corporations, airlines and universities” are participants in the “left’s anti-white bigotry.”
Additionally, to achieve their seditious and unpatriotic ends, FASCISTS will resort to any method or action possible — while fully aware of its illegality.
In fact, after their failed, subversive activities and facing seditious conspiracy indictments, American FASCISTS rely on the U.S. Constitution, to protect their constitutional rights to overthrow the U.S. Government!
Shamelessly, instead of standing up for our nation's freedom, "supposedly-patriotic" politicians — concerned only with their own interests — stand by, afraid to say publicly what they whisper in their colleagues' ears sotto voce.